Bummer Girl: a four-piece rock band from Phoenix who are best buds, love to goof around, and just want to have a good time, which was evident right away with their jokes, their banter, and trying to get them to take a somewhat serious photo.

“We aspire to make music that sounds like the feeling you get when you see a dog hanging out the window on the highway…it’s a good feeling. We want to show people playing music with your friends is awesome.”
While there isn’t a particular theme that generally runs through their music lyrically, musically, “it just needs to rock,” they say.
“We like to rock and roll. Our goal is to make the best music we can and have a fun time doing it.”

Their writing and creative process is also very inclusive and allows for each member to contribute his own part openly, indicative of a group of buddies letting each other do as they please. “One of us writes a song, and then we bring it to the rest of the band to let them do what they want with it. We write our songs with the intention of letting everyone add their own style to the song.”
And even when not performing or rehearsing, they spend a lot of time together, joking (I think) that when they travel, they only bring one air mattress because they’re that close.

“We love to get together at Walter’s house and play wiffle ball and horse play. He has a really big back yard, and it feels like Major League Baseball. Sometimes we play with other bands, too, like Slug Bug. They aren’t as good as us, but we still invite them.”
When I asked if they have a favorite moment as a band, I was anticipating some sort of musical achievement like playing a particular show or writing a favorite song. In true Bummer Girl fashion, though, they went with a time on the beach of four best friends hanging out, goofing around, and horse playing.

“It was sunset in Ocean Beach. It was us, a bottle of rum, no shoes, sandy toes, and 18-23 pills of Ageless Male (a testosterone booster). We put all the Ageless Male in the rum, drank it, then ran off into the sunset…together.”
To learn more about Bummer Girl, visit https://www.instagram.com/bummergirlband