To be frank, I’m not sure how or why Summer Salt was on the bill opening for Mom Jeans. No offense to any of the bands but Summer Salt is just way above and beyond the genre and ability of the other opener and headliner. In a world where teenage music is so often whiney or yelly, these guys come out swinging with the chillest and most pleasant vibes. This is the soundtrack to love and relaxation. When you listen to Summer Salt you can’t help but be swept away to a happier place. I really don’t want to label this music. It’s got some really nice highs and lows—energy wise. In concert I was very happily surprised to hear them jam a little more. Each member is super talented. The way they blend their voices and instruments is done masterfully plain and simple. I really hope some TV executives catch wind and license a bunch of their music. Think of shows with vibes like The O.C. which was notorious for its soundtrack. Or even a throw back like The Craft where the bands would play at the bar owned by one of the sister witches. We need more of that. And more Summer Salt!