Deerhunter, led by eccentric frontman Bradford Cox, delivered a first-rate performance to a sold out crowd at the Metro. It was packed. It was hot. It was an experience! Bradford sported a messy black wig for half the performance, fooling us all until he ripped it off his head mid-song. He was in a good mood—the most talkative and chipper I’ve seen him live. He even joked that he had “broken character” and they would have to start the set all over again, an idea everyone seemed to readily accept. Their set was punctuated by pockets of rhythmic noise which blossomed into recognizable riffs of their most beloved songs. Although there is a new album out, “Monomania”, they did not saturate the setlist with new material. They played the “hits” and they played them extremely well. They were engaging and entertaining and left us wishing for infinite encores.