Thumpasaurus at Joshua Tree Music Festival 2022

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Dinosaurs are a big thing in the Southern California desert. Most people know about the classic roadside tourist trap in Cabazon, but I’m here to tell you about a rare sighting of the much lesser known, Thumpasaurus. OK, I guess seeing them isn’t all that rare, since we caught their 3rd appearance at the Joshua Tree Music Festival. 

I spotted Thumpasaurus in their natural habitat, thumping in the sandy terrain near Joshua Tree National Park.

A crowd had amassed before them, grooving to the thumps the band emitted during their Joshua Tree Music Festival opening set, and it became clear where this species’s name had originated. The Thumpasaurus can be easily recognized by their dancy electronic jams, groovy sax, quirky lyrics, and overall fun vibe. If you’re not sure whether you’ve happened upon Thumpasaurus, take note of their markings — known for their nostalgic 8 bit animations and word art, the Thumpasaurus performance is reminiscent (in the most fun way) of your old myspace page.

If you’re lucky, you might even catch the Thumpasaurus in the midst of their sacred pancake making ritual.

If you spot Thumpasaurus on your next musical safari, I encourage you to pause and observe them in their natural habitat. You’ll be treated to a thumpin’ good time with goofy songs and serious beats.

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