The Amazons finally made it across the pond for their first American tour, opening for Dirty Honey in Detroit. With their high energy and strong vocals, they mmediately endeared themselves to the crowd and made it obvious that they came to rock. Their song Junk Food Forever was a big hit and the whole room bounced along with the heavy drums and fun lyrics. Overall, the energy in the room was simply ecstatic, with members of crowd singing and dancing wildly as the evening progressed.
They closed their set with one of my favorites, Black Magic. This is the kind of song that you need to listen to in your car with your windows down while screaming the lyrics. The room filled with joyful chaos as everyone in the room danced and threw their hands up. The guitar riffs throughout the song were so catchy and full of life. Before The Amazons left the stage, the drummer performed a booming drum solo that really warmed up the crowd for the electric rock that was to come with the main act.
The Amazons are definitely a personal favorite, so be sure to check out their music!